Named best water bottle for travel!
US News & World Report named the Water-to-Go Active water filtration bottle the best bottle for travel! When away from home or in an emergency where storms have contaminated the water supply protect yourself with a water filtration bottle that is also a water purifier bottle, filtering out contaminants, including viruses, that can make you sick. Most water bottles with filters do not remove viruses. Don't get sick from bad water. Protect yourself with Water-to-Go.
Clean water in seconds
Just fill, replace lid, and drink. No chemicals, pumping or plunging.
Filters Viruses
Most water filter bottles fail to filter viruses. Water-to-Go does.
Reusable. Recyclable. Compostable.
BPA-free bottles are reusable and recyclable. Filters are compostable.
Lab Proven
Independently tested against internationally recognized standards by industry specialists in the USA, UK, China and India.

- “Being prepared means being equipped with the proper supplies you may need in the event of an emergency or disaster.”

If your filter bottle can’t filter viruses, your water isn’t clean.
Compromised water system during an emergency can contain viruses like Hepatitis A. Most portable water filters promise clean water but do little to filter viruses from your drinking water. Water with viruses is not clean water. The best water filter for survival or in an emergency is a water purification bottle that can filter all common dangers, including dangerous viruses.
Tom linden
Steve hart

Perfect for emergency kits and bug-out bags.
Long Filter Life. The filters can stay on a shelf for years and still be effective. Each filter replaces 400 single use plastic bottles. In general, you can fill up the water purifier bottle 2-3 times a day and the filter will last for 3 months.
Better than boiling. Boiling kills microbiological contaminants but does nothing to protect you from the chemicals and heavy metals that can contaminate drinking water during an emergency.
Fast and Easy. An emergency is no time to be fumbling with pumps, plungers or chemical tablets. That is why Water-to-Go bottles have easy to use scoop-and-go design that delivers pure water in seconds. Just fill, replace lid, and drink. No waiting, no pumping, no plunging, no chemicals, no batteries. No hassles. Just safe pure water when you need it the most.